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North West Paediatric Mentoring

Welcome to the North West Paediatric Mentoring Scheme across Manchester and Mersey as part of Health Education North West. Mentoring is well established within the business and education sectors to enhance personal and professional development and its use has been increasingly recognised within the medical profession. Mentoring programmes within medicine have shown benefits to practitioner well-being, professional confidence, career development and reflection skills. This Mentoring Scheme aims to support paediatric trainees to feel happier and more empowered during their training in the North West.

Mentoring: About

How does it work?

What is the scheme?

As paediatric trainees within Mersey and Manchester we developed an interest in mentoring and how it could be used to support trainees in their career development and empower them to enhance their professional life. Our core values centre around supporting wellbeing, facilitating problem solving and trainee control over their careers.

 We have joined together to create a central scheme for the whole deanery in order to make it easier for mentees to apply and to allow for mentees and mentors to work together across the deanery as desired. We have a team of 6 mentoring leads which includes 4 RCPCH mentoring champions and we are supported by the heads of school in our roles.

Who is it for?

All paediatric trainees across the North West Deanery are welcome as Mentees, Mentors or both! We have found that everyone who has accessed the scheme in either role have benefitted in their personal and professional development.

Mentoring is:

  • A framework in which trainees can get advice, support, guidance and someone to listen and help them

  • About broader personal development

  • Accessible to all paediatric trainees

Mentoring is not:

  • Educational or clinical supervision

  • Assessment or remediation

  • Teaching or counselling

How do you become a mentee?

To become a mentee, simply send an application form (download below) to our email. We will send out a group of mentor profiles to choose your mentor from so your choice of mentor is controlled by you.

How do you become a mentor?

Similarly, just send an application form with your mentor profile (download below) to our email address. We run training annually and have regular workshops to support mentors and help them keep their skills up to date.

We expect mentors once trained to support a minimum of two trainees in total during their time as a mentor (not at once!). Mentors and mentees meet approximately 4 times a year or more if mutually agreed, this can be face to face or virtually.

Mentoring: Text

Contact us

Mentoring Leads:

Rebecca Caulfield, Annie Colthorpe, Emily Hoyle, Kate McFarlane,

Kelly Whitfield, Emily Whitehouse


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Mentoring: Image
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